Customer Service & Support 4.0

Sisteme de transport fără şofer

Sistemele de transport fără şofer – revoluţia în organizarea logisticii fluxurilor de materiale în depozite

Logistica este rotiţa care pune în mişcare a patra revoluţie industrială şi aduce o contribuţie semnificativă la conceptul Industria 4.0. Sistemele inteligente de transport fără şofer de la SSI SCHAEFER, cu navigaţie autonomă, sunt una dintre tehnologiile care oferă un răspuns de viitor privind provocările actuale ale intralogisticii. 

Sistemele de transport fără şofer au devenit între timp parte integrantă a portofoliului de soluţii pentru sisteme intralogistice complet automatizate. Flota de sisteme de transport fără şofer de la SSI SCHAEFER cuprinde o mulţime de soluţii inovatoare pentru suporturi pentru sarcini mici resp. mari, care permit interconectarea fără bariere a diferitelor sectoare de depozitare şi de lucru, pot fi adaptate individual în funcţie de necesităţile dumneavoastră şi pot fi extinse flexibil. Profitaţi de reducerea semnificativă a costurilor de operare şi de creşterea eficienţei logisticii de depozitare! 

SSI SCHAEFER este cel mai mare expert mondial în domeniul automatizării depozitelor şi totodată inovator pentru optimizarea fluxurilor materialelor cu ajutorul sistemelor de transport fără şofer. De aceea vă oferim o gamă largă de sisteme de transport fără şofer pentru cele mai variate domenii de utilizare. În timp ce sistemul WEASEL® este predestinat pentru unităţi mici de transport, precum recipiente şi cutii de carton, în condiţii limitate de spaţiu, autovehiculele mai mari ale sistemelor de transport fără şofer, echipate cu furcă de ridicare sau elemente de transport pentru paleţi şi containere cu role, flexibilizează activităţile complexe în domeniul transportului, depozitării şi al comisionării.

Sistemele de transport fără şofer pot fi integrate flexibil în orice organizare individuală a depozitului: de la aplicaţii simple de transport având la bază principiul goods to man până la automatizarea completă într-un sistem general integrat, SSI SCHAEFER are soluţia optimă pentru intralogistică.

Navigaţia sistemelor de transport fără şofer este efectuată optic, cu ajutorul laserului sau al senzorilor şi vă garantează astfel fiabilitate maximă cu utilizarea celor mai moderne tehnologii. De asemenea, autovehiculele cu navigaţie autonomă se pretează excelent pentru utilizarea tehnologiei de baterii cu litiu 2Lite de la SSI SCHAEFER, astfel încât pot fi puse la dispoziţie concepte de logistică ultraperformante pentru un regim de funcţionare de 24 de ore.

Controlul şi optimizarea tuturor comenzilor de transport sunt realizate de un controler de flotă, care primeşte comenzile de la orice sistem de gestiune a depozitului. Pentru controlul perfect al logisticii dumneavoastră beneficiaţi de soluţiile software SSI SCHAEFER.


The navigation of the automated guided vehicles is optical and based on magnets, triangulation and SLAM, guaranteeing you 100% reliability and personal safety by using state-of-the-art technologies. The fleet controller or manager handles the control and optimization of all transport orders. He can receive the orders from any warehouse management system or ERP system. With our software solutions, you remain in control over your logistics. In addition, the integration of Industry 4.0 functionalities offers the possibility of controlling processes centrally and thus in a coordinated manner.

The portfolio of AGV solutions from SSI SCHAEFER includes a wide range of innovative solutions for small load carriers (SSI Compact Load AGVs) and large load carriers (SSI Heavy Load AGVs) and guarantees reliable material flows around the clock.
The range of applications for AGVs extends from production and assembly to goods and warehouse logistics and is possible with mixed traffic consisting of automated vehicles and people across various branches. The seamless integration of holistic AGV solutions into the corporate, production and merchandise management control system allows, for example, many production and warehouse processes to be synchronized more closely and reliably. A large number of sources and kinds of lowering can be combined. Users benefit from short payback periods.

A partnership with the Austrian AGV specialist DS AUTOMOTION has
allowed SSI SCHAEFER to extend its AGV portfolio. For more than 30 years, DS AUTOMOTION has specialized in the development and production of highly dynamic AGVs and has become one of the world’s leading manufacturers in this industry sector.

The cooperation has impacted solution expertise in the area of customer-specific device configurations. This allows for customized AGV solutions for various industries.

  • Retail & Wholesale

  • Food Retail

  • Fashion

  • Industry

  • Food & Beverage

  • Flexible and scalable automation of internal material flows

  • Higher Efficiency and More Flexibility

  • Sustainable reduction of cycle times

  • Low investment and operating costs

  • Limited infrastructural changes required and thus short implementation times

  • Reduction of follow-up costs (minimization of transport damages and erroneous deliveries)

  • Easy adjustment to dynamic logistics market requirements

  • Individual composition of the in-house AGV fleet

  • Highest flexibility for internal warehouse picking due to sequenced delivery

  • Careful and safe transportation of various goods and load carriers

  • Easy integration and low (IT) infrastructure requirements

  • Efficient integration into existing hardware and software thanks to standardized system interface

  • Improvement in ergonomics and optimal material flows

  • Increased operational safety and improved work conditions

  • Can be used even in harsh environments (freezer storage or danger areas)

  • Innovative energy concept (automatic and fast loading operations)

  • Highest flexibility regarding system modifications and expansions

  • Customized service and maintenance offers

  • Networking of different warehouse and work areas over long distances

  • Mixed traffic with AGVs and people in production and logistics possible

  • Avoiding obstacles (alternative routes) possible

  • Transport route optimization and controlling by integrated fleet controller

  • Flexible use of room and space

Automated guided WEASEL®

AGVs for Small Load Carriers

Customer Service & Support 4.0

AGVs for Large Load Carriers

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The automated guided vehicle WEASEL® from SSI SCHAEFER is the ideal solution for automating transport tasks in existing as well as new storage systems. Flexible and highly efficient, the WEASEL® guarantees the safe transport of your containers, cartons, and even hanging goods

Automated guided WEASEL®


AGV Solutions

The portfolio of AGV solutions from SSI SCHAEFER includes a wide range of innovative solutions for small load carriers and large load carriers and guarantees reliable material flows around the clock.
The range of applications for AGVs extends from production and assembly to goods and warehouse logistics and is possible with mixed traffic consisting of automated vehicles and people across various branches.


AGV Solutions

Autonomously operating transport systems make material flows more efficient and powerful. This makes AGVs an important part of the value chain e.g. for injection moulding environment.

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