Green Bulding

Planning and consulting

Planning and consulting for efficient logistics solutions

Every company has its own specific logistics needs. That is why successful planning needs to begin with a thorough analysis of the current situation. SSI SCHAEFER’s broad spectrum of expertise and experience makes it the preferred partner for all intralogistics projects and processes.

Utilizing state-of-the-art analysis tools, SSI SCHAEFER identifies logistic weaknesses, defines potential savings, and simulates suitable process changes. In an on-going dialogue with you, we successively plan intelligent and economical logistics solutions ranging from global material flow to local picking processes.

We complete your projects from conception to start-up

During the planning phase various solutions are considered and compared and options are presented with regard to their opportunities, risks and financial impact.

A team of technical and commercial experts is involved in this process in order to ensure the future capabilities of your solution. Our solutions are energy efficient in order to help you to plan sustainable buildings.

You benefit from...

...complete packages providing you with a finished logistics facility. This all-encompassing solution represents a holistic planning approach that extends across processes, installation, and the finished site.



Furthermore, SSI SCHAEFER handles the entire construction planning of the installation including the infrastructure and outdoor buildings. The planned facilities are designed with a particular focus on energy efficiency and sustainability. This service encompasses the location selection, the architecture, and support structure planning as well as the optimum design of sustainable and energy-efficient installations and building technology.

The objective of every investment in new logistics facilities is to safeguard this investment and increase profitability. For this reason, professional consulting begins with a methodical analysis of the company’s specific situation.

  • Lập kế hoạch và tư vấn logistics toàn diện

  • Lập kế hoạch xây dựng bao gồm các dịch vụ kỹ thuật máy móc cần thiết

  • Xây dựng hệ thống phòng cháy và giảm tác động vật lý

  • Dịch vụ xây dựng bao gồm cả các công trình bên ngoài và các công tác cơ sở

  • Kiến trúc và hệ thống phân loại bằng thép

  • Hệ thống kiểm soát và quản lý nhà kho

  • Hệ thống lấy hàng cơ động

  • Hệ thống băng chuyền và máy lưu kho - lấy hàng

  • Quản lý dự án có chứng nhận IPMA

  • Dịch vụ và bảo dưỡng

  • Giải pháp chuyển giao công nghệ hoàn toàn