50 Sustainability and Climate Leaders

50 Climate Leaders Initiative

Parteneriat pentru soluții durabile, economice și viabile de manipulare a produselor .

SSI SCHAEFER a fost singura companie din domeniul intralogisticii care a fost invitată să ia parte la inițiativa 50 Sustainability & Climate Leaders. Inițiativa arată că lumea afacerilor internaționale este angajată în procesul de protecție a climei, că se confruntă cu provocările schimbărilor climatice și că ar dori să atingă cele 17 Obiective de Dezvoltare Durabilă ale Organizaţiei Națiunilor Unite.

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Terms and conditions of purchasing

SSI SCHAEFER works successfully with suppliers who hold leading positions in their respective market sectors. The purchasing activities extend to national and international procurement markets.

An important component of the success of SSI SCHAEFER is the high quality of our products that we also ensure thanks to the intensive, long-term partnership collaborations with our suppliers.

Increasing levels of interconnection and globalisation also open up new opportunities in purchasing management. Take this opportunity to introduce your company as a possible future supplier.


International terms and conditions of purchasing of the SSI SCHÄFER Group.


Here you can download the SSI Schäfer IT Solutions GmbH general terms and conditions of purchase.

General terms and conditions of purchase

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